TBIB Travel Insurance Claims
How to make a claim
Please complete a Claim Form, particularly your bank details and the summary of what is being claimed, and return it to the Claims Manager (Proclaim) that handles the TBIB Travel insurance claims on behalf of Chase Underwriting. Not all sections of the Claim form will apply to your claim, so please only complete the relevant sections.
Depending on what you are claiming for, the Insurer will also require supporting documents, for example:
- Copy of your original Travel Itinerary
- Copy of Cancellation advices (if relevant)
- Copy of refunds received (if relevant)
- Copy of payments you have made, for which you are now claiming
- Proof of ownership (if you are claiming for personal property which was stolen, ie receipt, manual, packaging, photo)
- Replacement quote/s (if relevant)
- Medical Certificate (if relevant)
- Correspondence from the Airline confirming your flight was cancelled/delayed and if any refund has been given due to this
Note there is a $200 excess under your policy for each separate claimable incident or event.
Please send your completed Claim form and supporting documents directly to Corporate Services Network for lodgement. Their contact details are as follows:
PO Box 348
South Melbourne VIC 3205
Email: AHClaims@proclaim.com.au
Ph: +61 (0) 2 9312 5168
Please contact Corporate Services Network directly if you have any queries about your claim. However should you feel your claim is not receiving the attention that it deserves, please contact us and we will take up the matter on your behalf.
If you are in an emergency:
- As soon as possible contact GLOBAL 24 ADVISORY & ASSISTANCE on +61 (0) 2 9312 5168 or be email to assistance@global24.com.au and quote the policy number that is on your certificate of insurance;
- If your luggage, passport, wallet or is lost or stolen:
- Immediately (within 24 HOURS of the loss) report the loss or theft to the nearest police station and obtain a written police report.
- If necessary, replace the lost or stolen article/s with a similar item and keep the receipt of purchase.
- The claim must be reported within 31 days after the expiry of the trip during which the claim occurred.
- To report the claim (As soon as possible after your trip) contact Proclaim, TBIB Travel Insurance claims Dept on +61 03 8866 0789, or complete and lodge a claim form.
- When you have completed the appropriate sections & signed & dated the claim form, please send the claim form and all supporting documentation to Gallagher Bassett – Travel Claims Department (TBIB Travel Claims) using one the below methods:
- Proclaim
PO Box 348
South Melbourne VIC 3205 - Email: AHClaims@proclaim.com.au
- Ph: +61 03 8866 0789
- Please note policy limits and or conditions may apply to claims in relation to money, unattended luggage and personal effects.
- All Claims need to be supported by original supporting receipts and documentation such as police reports, doctor’s reports, transport provider’s reports, receipts, valuations or proof of ownership.
- Please note, in accordance with the Schedule Of Cover there is a $200 excess under your policy for each separate claimable incident or event.
Useful Resources
Click here to read the Product Disclosure Statement for the current Travel Insurance Policy.